Give STL Coffee This Christmas

For a few decades now, folks on the coasts have frequently referred (in a snarky manner) to the middle of the U.S. as “flyover country.” Following the recent election, many of those coastal dwellers (media types and others) have decided to pay closer attention to those of us in the Midwest. They would do well to take note of our area’s coffee roasters.

St. Louis’s Flyover Coffee offers subscriptions to monthly mailings of freshly roasted beans from some of the area’s top coffee companies. Memberships start at $19/month.


Participating roasters include Blueprint, Stringbean, Kuva, La Cosecha, Art House, Kaldi’s, Shortwave, Parengo, Riley’s, Northwest, Oddly Correct and Community Coffee.

Got friends and family in New York, Boston, L.A., San Francisco or, yes, even Seattle, who love great coffee? You can send ’em one, two or three bags per month of St. Louis’s best via Flyover Coffee. (Of course, you can send Flyover Coffee to other locales, including elsewhere here in flyover land.)

Click HERE to get the full scoop and send some St. Louis love in the form of fresh coffee this Christmas.